Go provider
Use the latest flagd release with OpenFeature Go SDK
The flagd provider can operate in two modes: RPC (evaluation takes place in flagd, via gRPC calls) or in-process (evaluation takes place in-process, with the provider getting a ruleset from a compliant sync-source).
Remote resolver (RPC)
This is the default mode of operation of the provider. In this mode, provider communicates with flagd via the gRPC protocol. Flag evaluations take place remotely at the connected flagd instance.
To use in this mode, set the provider to the openfeature
global singleton as shown below (using default values which align with those of flagd
In-process resolver
This mode performs flag evaluations locally (in-process). Flag configurations for evaluation are obtained via gRPC protocol using sync protobuf schema service definition.
Consider following example to create a FlagdProvider
with in-process evaluations,
provider := flagd.NewProvider(
In the above example, in-process handlers attempt to connect to a sync service on address localhost:8013
to obtain flag definitions.
Offline mode
In-process resolvers can also work in an offline mode.
To enable this mode, you should provide a valid flag configuration file with the option WithOfflineFilePath
provider := flagd.NewProvider(
The provider will attempt to detect file changes, but this is a best-effort attempt as file system events differ between operating systems. This mode is useful for local development, tests and offline applications.
Custom sync provider
In-process resolver can also be configured with a custom sync provider to change how the in-process resolver fetches flags. The custom sync provider must implement the sync.ISync interface. Optional URI can be provided for the custom sync provider.
var syncProvider sync.ISync = MyAwesomeSyncProvider{}
provider := flagd.NewProvider(
var syncProvider sync.ISync = MyAwesomeSyncProvider{}
var syncProviderUri string = "myawesome://sync.uri"
provider := flagd.NewProvider(
flagd.WithCustomSyncProviderAndUri(syncProvider, syncProviderUri))
[!IMPORTANT] Note that the in-process resolver can only use a single flag source. If multiple sources are configured then only one would be selected based on the following order of preference: 1. Custom sync provider 2. Offline file 3. gRPC
Configuration options
Configuration can be provided as constructor options or as environment variables, where constructor options having the highest precedence.
Option name | Environment variable name | Type & supported value | Default | Compatible resolver |
WithHost | FLAGD_HOST | string | localhost | rpc & in-process |
WithPort | FLAGD_PORT | number | 8013 | rpc & in-process |
WithTargetUri | FLAGD_TARGET_URI | string | "" | in-process |
WithTLS | FLAGD_TLS | boolean | false | rpc & in-process |
WithSocketPath | FLAGD_SOCKET_PATH | string | "" | rpc & in-process |
WithCertificatePath | FLAGD_SERVER_CERT_PATH | string | "" | rpc & in-process |
WithLRUCache WithBasicInMemoryCache WithoutCache |
FLAGD_CACHE | string (lru, mem, disabled) | lru | rpc |
WithEventStreamConnectionMaxAttempts | FLAGD_MAX_EVENT_STREAM_RETRIES | int | 5 | rpc |
WithOfflineFilePath | FLAGD_OFFLINE_FLAG_SOURCE_PATH | string | "" | in-process |
WithProviderID | FLAGD_SOURCE_PROVIDER_ID | string | "" | in-process |
WithSelector | FLAGD_SOURCE_SELECTOR | string | "" | in-process |
Overriding behavior
By default, the flagd provider will read non-empty environment variables to set its own configuration with the lowest priority.
Use the flagd.FromEnv()
option to give environment variables a higher priority.
In the event that another configuration option is passed to the flagd.NewProvider()
method, such as flagd.WithPort(8013)
then priority is decided by the order in which the options are passed to the constructor from lowest to highest priority.
e.g. below the values set by FromEnv()
overwrite the value set by WithHost("localhost")
The provider attempts to establish a connection to flagd's event stream (up to 5 times by default).
If the connection is successful and caching is enabled each flag returned with reason STATIC
is cached until an event is received concerning the cached flag (at which point it is removed from cache).
On invocation of a flag evaluation (if caching is available) an attempt is made to retrieve the entry from cache, if found the flag is returned with reason CACHED
By default, the provider is configured to use LRU caching with up to 1000 entries.
This can be changed through constructor option or environment variable FLAGD_MAX_CACHE_SIZE
Target URI Support (gRPC name resolution)
The TargetUri
is meant for gRPC custom name resolution (default is dns
), this allows users to use different
resolution method e.g. xds
. Currently, we are supporting all core resolver
and one custom resolver for envoy
proxy resolution. For more details, please refer the
RFC document.
gRPC DialOptions override
The GrpcDialOptionsOverride
is meant for connection of the in-process resolver to a Sync API implementation on a host/port,
that might require special credentials or headers.
creds := customSync.CreateCredentials(...)
dialOptions := []grpc.DialOption{
flagd.WithHost("example.com/flagdSyncApi"), flagd.WithPort(443),
Supported Events
The flagd provider emits PROVIDER_READY
SDK event | Originating action in flagd |
The streaming connection with flagd has been established. |
The streaming connection with flagd has been broken. |
A flag configuration (default value, targeting rule, etc) in flagd has changed. |
For general information on events, see the official documentation.
Flag Metadata
The flagd provider currently support following flag evaluation metadata,
Field | Type | Value |
scope |
string | "selector" set for the associated source in flagd |
providerID |
string | "providerID" set for the associated source in flagd |
If not configured, logging falls back to the standard Go log package at error level only.
In order to avoid coupling to any particular logging implementation, the provider uses the structured logging logr API. This allows integration to any package that implements the layer between their logger and this API. Thankfully, there is already integration implementations for many of the popular logger packages.
var l logr.Logger
l = integratedlogr.New() // replace with your chosen integrator
provider := flagd.NewProvider(flagd.WithLogger(l)) // set the provider's logger
logr uses incremental verbosity levels (akin to named levels but in integer form).
The provider logs warning
at level 0
, info
at level 1
and debug
at level 2
. Errors are always logged.